The player

Igromag company since 2008 in the Ukrainian gaming industry market. Today, the online store Igromag is the largest locator and translator of board games in Ukrainian. Basically, it is thanks to the Kiev flooring store that residents of our country have the opportunity to buy even the most rare and inaccessible games in Ukrainian from European and American publishers. Among them are Dixit, Saboteur, Little Prince: Create a Planet for Me, the Geometry of Imagination, the Citadel, the Vikings of the North Sea, the Colt Express, 7 Wonders and more.
You can buy board games and puzzles from The player at Lelekan .
You can also buy The player wholesale in Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Lutsk , Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Mukachevo.