“How different can a card game be?” you might ask yourself. But then you play Faraway and get your answer. Faraway requires you to think in forward and reverse, at the same time, which means that at the end of eight rounds you’re never quite sure whether you made the right moves or not. Let’s find out more. Faraway Overview In Faraway plays will take a journey across the land of Alula “a mysterious continent where a harmonious nature reigns” (Pandasaurus is leaning in pretty heavy on the mythos here). Over the course of eight rounds, players will draft Region cards from a central display, placing them left to right into a personal tableau, and hopefully also acquiring critically useful Sanctuary cards. At the end of the eighth round, players flip all of their region cards face down, and one by one reveal them—starting with the rightmost card. But I’m getting ahead of myself…in Faraway the goal is to earn the most points, which are acquired via end game scoring on both Region and Sanctuary cards. In some cases, points are simply given (this card is worth 5 points), in other cases points are collected from icons or colors on other cards (1 point for every map icon, 2 points for every red or yellow card), and in the remainder of the cards the points are gated behind requirements (2 points for every night card, as long as you have 2 thistle icons). Now, let’s get back to the gameplay. As you reveal the cards from right to left, you score them based solely on the cards which are already revealed. “Oh, you’ve got a card which awards 10 points if you have 3 antler icons? Bummer for you…seems like you didn’t plan ahead.” This is the reason why Sanctuary cards are so important, as they don’t get flipped over at the end of the game. You can earn them for always playing Region cards which are a higher number than the one immediately to your left. If you placed a 7 last turn, and place a 16 this turn, you get to draw a Sanctuary card—and you get to draw additional Sanctuary cards for each map icon you’ve previously played. Sadly you only get to keep one, but these Sanctuary cards generally make the difference between winning and losing. After revealing and scoring all your Region cards, you make one last pass to score any points found on Sanctuary cards, then tally up the points.Faraway or Far Out? Let’s just lay it out there…everyone I’ve played Faraway with has been tripped up in the first game or two. Even though I always double down on calling out the “forwards then backwards” scoring approach, it still takes them off guard. It usually takes 2 or 3 games to really catch on to how you must shift your thinking. Faraway rewards strategic thinking, but because it’s a card game, you also have to be able to respond to shifting situations. Faraway is also a game which requires making sacrifices. If you draw a card near the beginning of the game that intends to give you 16 points, you better play it for the points. But if you draw that same card in round 7, it might never even hit the table—unless you play it for the icons. Even though Faraway isn’t a multi-use card game in the traditional sense, I think it belongs in that group in spirit. Cards can be both points and resources, or they can just be resources if you can think far enough ahead. Even though the others members of my game group ultimately felt that Faraway was a bit too thinky for the “small game” time slot we had placed it in, that didn’t prevent us from playing the game a number of times, in an effort to develop an understanding of the game and the strategy it requires. Faraway is definitely a game that rewards multiple plays. What about you, will you give Faraway a shot at your table? In my opinion, it’s a journey worth taking...
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PRODUCT UPDATE Hello everyone, we are happy to inform you about our super big product update. Meet the fresh arrival and novelties of our store :) Hurry up, the games are great and for all tastes, be the first to buy :)7 Wonders 7 Wonders: Duel King of Tokyo King of Tokyo: Lutoborshch Hive: Pocket ImagineDixitDixit 3 : JourneyDixit 4: OriginsDixit DisneyDixit OdysseyCartographers: A Roll Player TaleBoopKing of Tokyo. National Monster 2. ThunderhoundKing of Tokyo: Even More Wicked!EverdellEverdel: BelfaireWings: Fan Art PackCriminal ChroniclesCthulhu: Death May DieCity of HappinessHell TramSalem 1692Cynical StoriesPandemic SaboteurPROMOTIONAL ITEMS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..
Read MorePRODUCT UPDATE Hello everyone, we are happy to inform you about our super big product update. Meet the fresh arrival and novelties of our store :) Hurry up, the games are great and for all tastes, be the first to buy :) Kids Express Couch Skeletons Ticket To Ride: Paris Masquerade: 2nd Edition Wavelength Wavelength My Shelfie Karak Repurchase Dirty Money Chili Mafia Hens Port Royal: Big Box Tiny Acrobats Calico Love Letter Organ Attack! Trekking Through History Pikit Heat: Heavy Rain Word Traveler Monstrolicious AQUA: Biodiversity In The Oceans Forest Shuffle: Alpine ExpansionGAME LIBRARY UPDATEThis time, one huge novelty has arrived in the game library!Hoplomachus: VictorumPROMOTIONAL ITEMS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..
Read MoreОГЛЯД ГРИ EL GRANDE El Grande is back. Hosanna. For those who are unfamiliar, El Grande, The Big itself, is one of the great canonical games in our hobby. Every podcast, list, and forum that extends beyond the Cult of the New considers it one of the greatest games ever published. That’s for good reason. El Grande is, in fact, a masterpiece. LE GRAND El Grande is an area-majority game in which players aim to accumulate political power throughout Spain. There are nine rounds, each of which follows the same pattern: players bid for turn order, then choose one of the five action cards available for that round while placing some of their caballeros out onto the board. Every three rounds, players score the board. A big part of the beauty and brilliance of the design is in the way those two—2!—decisions are woven together. Bidding is, on the face of it, simple. Each player starts the game with 13 cards, numbered from 1-13. The higher the card you bid with each round, the earlier in that round you’ll go, but there are two catches. Catch number one: the lower your card, the more caballeros—the meeples you place on the board to mark your influence—you get to add from the pool to your personal supply. Catch number two: the lowest bidding player in any given round gets to bid first for the next. Then there are the action cards, split into five unique decks. The actions on the cards affect the board in various ways, but it mostly boils down to placing, moving, and removing caballeros. Choices are deeply political and involve a good amount of table talk. A great session of El Grande is a roiling seabed of agreements, betrayals, and machinations. The bottom of each action card also includes between 1 and 5 caballeros, which indicates the amount of influence you can place on the board that turn. There are, of course, some restrictions on placement. On the board, and as yet unmentioned, stands el rey, the King, visiting the various provinces of his kingdom. His position is critical. Caballeros can only be placed in regions adjacent to the King, and nothing—absolutely nothing—can change in the region where the king is present. In addition to putting caballeros out on the board, you have one other option: any number of caballeros can be placed in the Castle, a tall cardboard tube standing on an island to the southeast of the mainland. Why would you want to do that? Every three rounds, scoring triggers. Most of it is rote: go through each region, one at a time, and give the leading players in each region the points indicated on the board. If I have the most caballeros in Toledo, for example, and you have the second most, I get 7 points and you get 4. Before all that happens, though, we have a little bit of drama. At the start of the game, each player gets a spinner wheel showing all the regions. Before scoring begins, each player sets their spinner to one region, places their wheel down on the table, and the Castle is emptied. A moment to shovel praise on whichever member of Hans-im-Glück’s production team suggested giving the new castle a functioning gate. In the history of El Grande, the Castle has had various levels of aesthetic sophistication, but it has always been, fundamentally, a tube. To reveal its contents, one would simply lift the tube. That’s fine. Perfectly fine. Lifting that little gate and having all the caballeros spill out is wonderful. The Castle itself counts as a region, but the real value comes in what happens after scoring it. Each player reveals their selected region and then places any caballeros they had in the castle out onto the board. This happens, I’ll reiterate, before the rest of the board is scored. The Castle is a source of tension, a sword of Damocles hovering over the board. I love a sword of Damocles hovering over the board. DER GROSS El Grande does everything I want a game to do. The rules are simple. The board state is never confusing. You make three choices every turn: how much to bid, what to pick, where to place. The choices are simple, the ramifications are complex. Truly, the ideal. Oh, and I have to say, do you know how long it takes to set up El Grande? Two minutes. That process is improved by Hans-im-Glück’s decision to include little boxes for each player’s components to be stored in between games, but even without those, that amount of time is a pittance. Lay out the board, hand out the boxes, place the starting pieces out in each province, shuffle the action cards, and you are done. Heaven. Find me a contemporary, comparably rich Euro with that kind of setup time. It cannot, by and large, be done. El Grande is not only a great game, finally made available to the masses. It is a reminder of what games can be, that complication isn’t necessary to create complexity. The Big indeed ..
Read MorePRODUCT UPDATE Hi to all! Over the past few days, we've received a ton of great games. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we want to inform you about fresh arrivals and product updates in our store. Get acquainted with the novelties and what's new in Lelekan-chiku. Hurry up, the games are great and will satisfy all tastes, be the first in time) Magic Labyrinth High Society Sequence Splito Cotton Silver Troublez Nizam Set Tiny Epic: Vikings Who did it? Dale of Merchants 2 Dale of Merchants 3 Velonimo The Pug Party Heroes & Wizards ArboretumTOY LIBRARY NEWS Agropolis (Agropolis) Death Valley: Extended Edition (Death Valley)PROMOTIONAL ITEMS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..
Read MorePRODUCT UPDATE Hello everyone, we are glad to inform you about new products and renewal of goods in our store. Meet the fresh arrival and what's new in our store :) Hurry up, the games are great and for all tastes, be the first to buy :) Agropolis Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze The Thing: The Boardgame Zombicide: 2nd Edition Northgard: Uncharted Lands Explorers of the Woodlands One Card Dungeon The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Fish & Katz Call To Adventure: Epic Origins Sonic Super Teams The Witcher: Old World Arkham Horror Third Edition The Loop Dune: House Secrets War of the Ring Dune: Imperium Senjutsu: Battle For Japan Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition Dice Forge Elder Sign Just One Cosmoctopus Turing Machine Sprawlopolis Battlecrest: Fellwoods Base Game Wildtails: A Pirate Legacy Death Valley NemesisGAME LIBRARY UPDATE We invite you to familiarize yourself with several novelties in our game library. Nemesis (Nemesis) Cosmoctopus (Cosmoctopus) The Loop (The Loop)PROMOTIONAL ITEMS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..
Read MoreОНОВЛЕННЯ ТОВАРУ Всім привіт, раді повідомити Вас про новинки та поновлення товарів в нашому магазині. Зустрічайте свіженьке надходження та що нового з'явилось в нашому магазині :) Поспішіть, ігри чудові та на всі смаки, встигніть купити першими :) Ніагара (Niagara) Менара (Menara) Вілла Палетті (Villa Paletti) Сумний птах (Pechvogel) Тобаго (Tobago) Обскуріо (Obscurio) Сіленсіо (Silencio) Магічний Лабіринт (Magic Labyrinth) Супер Фермер: Ранчо (SuperFarmer: Rancho) Книга Магії (Spellbook) Кланк! Катакомби (Clank! Catacombs) Вогнетвір (Flamecraft) Драгоміно (Dragomino) Матік (Matik) Унікат: Нове видання (Unikat: New edition) Весела Ферма (Funny Farm) Скажи "Сир" (Say Cheese) Веселий Зайчик (Happy Bunny)ОНОВЛЕННЯ ІГРОТЕКИ Пропонуємо ознайомитись з декількома новинками у нашій ігротеці.Елізіум (Elysium)Місто Щастя (Happy City)Ілюзія (Illusion)АКЦІЙНІ ПОЗИЦІЇ Пропонуємо ознайомитись з акційними позиціями, які приємно здивують Ваш гаманець) Intention Інтенція: Епоха Спраги (Intention) Крила (Wingspan) (укр) Нескінченна зима: Палеоамериканці (Endless Winter: Paleoamericans) (укр) Десятий Рівень (Level 10) (укр) 5 Секунд (5 Seconds) (укр) 5 Секунд Юніор (5 Seconds Junior) (укр) Марсолови ..
Read MoreОГЛЯД НАСТІЛЬНОЇ ГРИ PINATA У грі Piñata гравці беруть на себе роль дітей на святкуванні дня народження, обоє намагаються з усіх сил зламати піньяту та отримати всередині смачну цукерку. Розумне керування вашими картками допоможе вам першим розкрити цю оболонку пап’є-маше. Піньята — це весела швидка карткова гра для двох гравців, у якій гравці протистоять один одному, обидва намагаються отримати якомога більше цукерок певного кольору, щоб виграти бажані медалі. Будь першим, хто заробить 3 медалі та стань переможцем вечірки до дня народження! Piñata постачається з 4 полями для маркерів великого розміру, які вказують, скільки цукерок належить на цій картці та чи намагаєтеся ви грати низько чи високо. Колода з 54 карт червоного, жовтого, зеленого, фіолетового, рожевого та білого кольорів (джокерів), кожна з різними номерами. 5 карток медалей, які використовуються для відзначення перемоги. Значення на медальній картці вказує, скільки цукерок цього кольору потрібно, щоб отримати медаль. Кілька дерев’яних цукерок чудової форми в непрозорому тканинному пакеті.ПРИГОТУВАННЯ ДО ГРИ Приготувати Piñata швидко та легко. Перемішайте великі дошки (і випадковим чином переверніть їх набік) і розкладіть між обома гравцями в порядку від 1 до 4. Витягніть випадкову кількість цукерок із мішка відповідно до числа на кожній плитці та покладіть туди цукерки. Повторюйте, доки на кожній великій дошці не буде правильна кількість цукерок. Розкладіть 5 нагородних карток збоку.Перетасуйте колоду і роздайте кожному гравцеві по 8 карт. Виберіть першого гравця та починайте гру. ІГРОВИЙ ПРОЦЕС Мета гри «Піньята» полягає в тому, щоб гравець зіграв певні карти на своїй стороні кожної великої дошки «Піньята». Дошка зі стрілкою, спрямованою вгору, означає, що гравець намагається розіграти комбінацію карт із найбільшим значенням очок, тоді як стрілка вниз означає найменше значення очок. Кількість цукерок на кожній дошці визначає, скільки карток можна використати для отримання результату. Крім того, кольори на цукерках обмежують гравців грати лише в карти цих кольорів і саме тих кольорів. Використовуючи наведений нижче приклад, зауважте, що картка «3» має спрямовану вгору стрілку з фіолетовими, рожевими та жовтими цукерками. Це повідомляє гравцям, що вони можуть зіграти лише 3 карти, що карти мають бути фіолетовими, рожевими та жовтими, і що вони намагаються отримати якомога більше очок за допомогою цих 3 карт. Коли гравець розмістить правильну комбінацію карт на своїй стороні дошки, він має можливість розіграти карти на стороні суперника. У наведеному нижче прикладі гравець ліворуч уже розмістив правильну кількість і колір карток (використовуючи білий дикий символ як заміну необхідної жовтої картки). Це означає, що тепер вони можуть зіграти жовту картку за власним вибором на табло іншого гравця. Враховуючи, що ця дошка має високі бали, якщо вони зіграють жовту 1 або 2, вони виграють дошку.ПЕРЕМОГА У ГРІ Коли обидва гравці мають правильну кількість і колір карток на дошці, гра зупиняється, і гравці визначають, хто виграє цю дошку. Гравець-переможець бере цукерки з цієї дошки, перевертає дошку на протилежний бік, кладе на неї нові цукерки, витягнуті з мішка, і гра поновлюється. Якщо після отримання цукерок гравець має достатньо, щоб претендувати на медаль, він бере цю медаль і кладе її перед собою. Гравець, який першим здобуде 3 медалі, є переможцем. ЩО МЕНІ ПОДОБАЄТЬСЯ В ГРІ Як завжди, я починаю з оформлення: якщо коробка не приваблива візуально, ви навряд чи візьмете її, і Piñata не розчарує у відділі мистецтва. Коробка чудова: святкова, яскрава, з темою мексиканської вечірки. Піньята має відчуття 3D, якого зазвичай не можна знайти в настільних іграх, і воно досить освіжає. Юнак, що бігає, зображений на кожній із карток, здається цілком сповненим рішучості добитися свого з піньятою, і вираз задоволення на його обличчі на картках із медалями є винагородою. Поля товсті та міцні, як і можна було очікувати від того, що можна буде перевертати десятки разів в одній грі. Гральні карти мають високу якість і повинні витримати багато ігор. Нарешті, цукерки… яка весела форма та яка тематична, що вони мають форму, як старомодні загорнуті цукерки! Ви та ваш партнер чудово проведете час, витягуючи їх із сумки та складаючи перед собою.ЩО НЕ СПОДОБАЛОСЬ Єдиний мінус, який я можу сказати про Піньяту, це те, що вона іноді може тривати трохи довго. На полі зазначено 30 хвилин, але іноді гра може збільшити 40 хвилин, оскільки гравці аналізують розташування карток. Це не велика угода, якщо обидва гравці знають про це, але просто знайте, що це може бути проблемою. ВИСНОВКИ Варто зазначити, що Piñata – це свого роду ребрендинг старішої гри під назвою Balloon Cup. Якщо ви хотіли спробувати цю гру, але не можете, тому що її важко знайти, тоді Piñata може подряпати цей свербіж за вас, і за набагато нижчою ціною. Якщо ви шукаєте чудову, веселу, досить швидку гру для двох гравців, то Piñata точно вам підійде. Чому б не покачатися і перевірити, чи подобається вам Піньята?!..
Read MoreОНОВЛЕННЯ ТОВАРУВсім привіт, раді повідомити Вас про наше супер велике оновлення товарів. Зустрічайте свіженьке надходження та новинки нашого магазину :) Поспішіть, ігри чудові та на всі смаки, встигніть купити першими:) Орос (Oros) Ра (Ra) Міконки (Micons) Вогнетвір (Flamecraft) Крила: Птахи Азії (Wingspan: Asia) Весела Ферма (Funny Farm) Викрутайс (ICECOOL) Чемпіонський Пінбол (Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade) Драгоміно (Dragomino) Марракеш (Marrakech) Бобот (Bobot) Хижа Планета - Металева Коробка (Not Alone) Звір (Beast) (укр) Містична Долина (Mystic Vale) Катаміно: Дорожня Версія (Katamino: Pocket) Червоний світанок (Red Rising) Distilled: Таємниці напоїв (Distilled)ОНОВЛЕННЯ ІГРОТЕКИ За останній тиждень ми змогли додати до нашої ігротеки декілька цікавинок, які ви зможете спробувати в нашому клубі. Редькордсмен (Unbeetable) Ішак Зможе (Donkey Valley) Лемурячі Хвости (Lemur Tails)АКЦІЙНІ ПОЗИЦІЇ Пропонуємо ознайомитись з акційними позиціями, які приємно здивують Ваш гаманець) Intention Інтенція: Епоха Спраги (Intention) Крила (Wingspan) (укр) Нескінченна зима: Палеоамериканці (Endless Winter: Paleoamericans) (укр) Десятий Рівень (Level 10) (укр) 5 Секунд (5 Seconds) (укр) 5 Секунд Юніор (5 Seconds Junior) (укр) Марсолови ..
Read MoreIn 1995, Klaus Toiber introduced Settlers of Catan to the world. It won the Spiel des Jahres that year and, without any hyperbole, changed board games forever. Four years later, Toiber launched his space game with The Starfarers of Catan. This version included a much larger board with planetary systems, new resources to collect, and one large rocket per player. Unfortunately, the production aspects let the game down. The rocket and the parts attached to it often break during repeated actions. As a result, Starfarers disappeared from the shelves, leaving behind a mixed legacy. Settlers of Catan has since been renamed Catan with many expansions. People like me who have long heard that Starfarers is better than standard Catan have been patiently waiting for a Starfarers re-release. In 2019, this reissue finally hit stores. It came with improved plastic parts and a modular field. But is Catan: Starfarers really any good? And can it be better than Catan? Let's bring the game to the table to see for ourselves, shall we? PREPARATION FOR THE GAME You will start by creating a playing field. It consists of six 11" x 11" puzzle pieces that, when assembled, will have several empty spaces that you will fill in with matching dolly pieces. The game's almanac suggests the setup for the first game, including which planetary systems (the pieces corresponding to the empty spaces) go where, as well as the positions of each player's starting pieces at the base of the field. We stuck with this and found it resulted in a well-balanced first game, but then changed the setup for subsequent games. The planets in each planetary system have their own symbol. Find the matching disks and place them symbol-side up on each planet. Set all other discs aside. Place all the resource cards in the tray provided, making sure the item cards go into the slot marked 2:1. Each of the other cards are slotted 3:1, meaning they can be exchanged for other cards throughout the game at this exchange rate. Take eight cards from each resource, shuffle them together and place them in the open hole in the tray. Deal three cards from this deck to each player. Another tray is added for various upgraded missiles (Booster, Freight and Cannon) and broken pieces of glory. Shuffle the deck of Encounter cards and place them in the large hole at the end of the tray. Sort the Friendship cards into four separate decks and place them on the side of the board. Place the corresponding standing tokens next to each deck. Then each player chooses a color and takes all pieces of that color. These include colonies (large hex pieces), trading stations (smaller hex pieces), shipyards (hex rings that fit around the colony pieces), and transport ships (tiny missile ships). Place the round score markers on the number 4 on the board. The first player to score 15 points wins. And there is Rocket. Let's face it: As far as gaming components go, these rockets are pretty cool. If you are playing for the first time, carefully unscrew the top of the rocket and drop 2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 red and 1 black small plastic balls into it. Then replace the top of the rocket. Now shake her. (You know what you want!) Take one of the orange boosters from the rocket upgrade tray and add it to the bottom of one of the three rocket fins. Then everyone gets half a fame token. (Two tokens = 1 point) Choose the first player and start the game. GAME PROCESS If you know how to play Catan, you will be familiar with most of how to play Starfarers. During your turn, you roll two dice, take the total, and match that number to the numbers on the planets. Players who have a trading station, colony, or spaceport next to a number collect a resource that matches the color of the planet. The active player can then trade resources with other players and/or trade resources to upgrade their rocket or build spaceports, colonies or ships. If you roll a seven in Starfarers, anyone with more than seven resource cards in their hand must discard half of their cards, rounded down. An extra action in Starfarers also involves shaking your rocket. In the movement phase, you count the number of displayed balls. This number indicates how many hex corners on the board you can move each of your ships in space. However, if one of these balls is black, no movement occurs. Instead, the player to your left draws the top encounter card from the deck and reads the top part aloud. Many encounter cards contain scenarios (“You meet a merchant…” or “You meet a space pirate…”) that require you to make a choice. If, for example, you choose to fight a space pirate, you and the other player will shake your rockets and compare the total number of small plastic balls that appear in the base (red = 3; yellow = 2; blue = 1). ; black = 0). The Encounter card explains the results and consequences. INTELLIGENCE As you move into space, you can choose to contact those planetary systems I mentioned earlier. Landing on an intersection that is adjacent to one will turn all three discs face up. Some of these will be numbers, indicating that they will generate resources if a trading station, colony, or spaceport is located on a nearby intersection. Some discs may have either the Ice Planet or the Pirate Base. In this case, planetary intersections with these markers are prohibited until they are resolved. In the case of an ice planet, one of your ships must be adjacent to it, and your rocket must be equipped with cargo containers equal to or greater than the number on the disc. At the pirate base, your missile must have a number of cannons equal to or greater than the specified number. When terraforming an ice planet or defeating a pirate base, you first collect a token on the planet and get one point. You then replace it with a disc with the same symbol, placing it face up so that the number is visible. WE ARE LOOKING FOR FRIENDS The board is also populated by four outposts. Each Outpost has a central docking point and places where trading stations can be placed. As a goodwill gesture, when you do, you'll get to choose one of that alien race's bonus cards. All these cards give you a special power for the rest of the game. The first player to reach an outpost will also receive a friend token for that race worth one point. This friend token remains yours unless another player places more trading stations on the outpost than you. If so, the other player claims a Friend. You lose a point and they get one. CONCLUSIONS Catan: Starfarers has a lot to recommend it. Let's start by studying the game. As far as I've seen, the player hints in Starfarers are almost perfect. Even if you're new to the Catan system, the cards are easy to read. They explain player moves and show the resources needed to upgrade your rocket and build a trading station, colony or spaceport. Like Catan, Starfarers comes with a Rulebook and an Almanac. The rulebook covers the basic rules and details the possibilities of a particular move. The Almanac is an alphabetical listing of all game items with details on each part of the game. If you have a question, it will be answered in one (if not both) of these guides. Despite the number of planets in different planetary systems, the chance to get resources is much greater in Starfarers. More resources mean more trading opportunities. Also, the standard trade in the game is 3:1 (as opposed to Katana's 4:1). We were still short on certain resources, but there were more chances to build a spaceship or power up our rockets throughout the game. I'm sure some people may disagree with this, but I welcomed the lack of development cards from Catan in Starfarers. Development cards in Catan are a hidden element of the game that can be obtained as you get closer to victory. I've never been a big fan of these cards, and not having them is a big plus for me. This keeps Starfarers as an open-ended game, which is my favorite style of play. Starfarers, on the other hand, takes significantly longer to play than standard Catan. Our last game of Catan for three players took about an hour, a game of Starfarers with the same number of players took about 2.5 hours. (Our first four-player game, played by people familiar with Catan, took 3.5 hours.) Despite the increased access to resources, it will not be enough to stay only on the initial resources. Therefore, you will need to build spaceships and move them to other planets. Although both games take place within a limited field, the field of Starfarers is many times larger than the field of Catan. Clash cards often pause the game (again, they are drawn when a black orb appears at the base of your rocket), interrupting the flow of the game. Also, many Encounter cards are duplicates. With the attention to detail the team put into the rest of the game, repeating these frequently drawn cards just doesn't make sense. It became something of a running joke every time an Encounter card was drawn, with people around the table saying “You encounter a trader…” before the card was even read. If there were a greater variety of Encounters, they would be approached with some degree of caution. As it was, even the worst results were only mildly annoying and hardly worth the effort. Going back to the questions I posed at the beginning of this review, "Is Catan: Starfarers really good?" So. With Starfarers, Toiber took the concepts of its predecessor and turned it into a great adventure game. This leaves me wondering, "Can it be better than Catan?" For me, Starfarers is better than Catan. On my first playthrough, I realized that I had more fun with Starfarers than I had with Catan in a long time. This wasn't just because of a fancy rocket or new components, it was because the openness of the board demanded exploration, and with it, new things to discover. Another thing I realized during a recent game of standard Catan was that in Starfarers I could actively..
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