

PRODUCT UPDATE Hello everyone! Over the past few days, we've received a ton of great games. Therefore, we are very pleased to inform you about fresh arrivals and product updates in our store. Get acquainted with the novelties and what's new in Lelekan-chiku. Hurry up, the games are great and will satisfy all tastes, be the first in time) Workshop (Woodcraft) Magic Labyrinth (Magic Labyrinth) High Society Sequence (Sequence) Splito Cotton Silver (Silver) Turbozombie (Troublez) Nizam Set Tiny Epic: Vikings (Tiny Epic: Vikings) Who scared? (Who did it?) Dale of Merchants 2: Era of Merchants (Dale of Merchants 2) Dale of Merchants 3: Great Continental Railway (Dale of Merchants 3) Velonimo (Velonimo) The Pug Party Heroes & Wizards Arboretum (Arboretum) Don't Come Closer! (Stay Away) Platformer (Platformer) World In Progress NEWS TOY LIBRARY Everdale Outpost NATIONAL PROMO We invite you to familiarize yourself with the special offers of the national promotion Marvel Zombies: Heroes' Resistance (Marvel Zombies: Heroes' Resistance) Amygdala (Amygdala) Bears Vs Babies Funny Farm Happy Bunny Exploding Kittens: Singular Kittens (Imploding Kittens) Cardline: Animals (Cardline: Animals) Shake The City (Shake The City) Mavka: Between Two Worlds (Mavka: Between Two Worlds) Mavka: Magic Willow (Mavka: Magic Willow) Workshop (Woodcraft) Planet Planet B Geistesblitz 2.0 Brainiac's Ghost: What Time Is It? (Ghost Blitz: 5 To 12) Tokaido (Tokaido) Chronicles of Avel Castle (Chronicles Of Avel) Adventure Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones (Kids Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones) PROMOTIONAL OFFERS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..

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 The Weirdwood Manor game begins with a narrative that explains the situation. Lady Weirdwood rules a magical mansion that is the link between the mortal realm and the fairy lands. It's her job (along with her overseers, which can be players) to keep the forces of evil at bay. However, something went wrong, and some evil from the Fairy Kingdom broke into the estate and came to wreak havoc. Cooking is quite interesting. Everything about the game, from how the manor works, to the interesting abilities of the different characters you can play as, to how the side characters (called companions) act… everything serves this theme perfectly. Next, we'll take a look at how the game is set up and played. If you want to skip it, skip to my thoughts below. Otherwise, click on the link and check out how the game works! PREPARATION Setup is relatively easy, although there are a lot of steps involved. First, setting up the main tablet: Collect the two halves of the estate. Place the rooms of the outer ring in your ring in random order. Collect and place the Day Corridor and place it inside the outer ring rooms with Day 1 at the top of the board. Place the middle ring rooms in your ring in random order. Place the corridor of time inside the rooms of the middle ring with the first morning location at the top of the board. Place the inner ring rooms in your ring in random order. Place six scarab tokens in the innermost room (Throne Hall). Place one scarab token in each room of the inner ring. Place three scarab tokens in random rooms of the manor (no room can have more than one scarab at this time).  Shuffle the companion deck and place four companions face up as the current market. Shuffle the Overseer Tactics deck and place it near the board.  Place tokens (scarab, min, knowledge, and power), dice, and dice near the board.  Then the preparation of the player: Each player chooses an overseer and takes the player board associated with the selected overseer. Then they… …place the blue cube on the battle cube track. …place a red die in the 3-space of their health track. …place a pink cube at the start of their Power experience track. …place the red cube at the beginning of the combat experience track. …place the orange cube at the beginning of the tactical lane. …put whatever resources/power tokens the warden starts with into their supply. Players take appropriate positions. They are located in the hallway at the top of the board. Players take their personal deck of action cards, discard the Shadow Steps card (this card is always in the player's starting hand), shuffle the remaining cards, and deal two additional cards to form their starting hand.  And finally, there's the fairy monster setup. This is different for each of the three monsters. GAME PROCESS Weirdwood Manor is a cooperative game. A player's turn consists of playing an action card from their hand (required) and taking any additional actions (see below) they wish to take. If a player has an Overseer Tactic card in their hand, they can play it to improve the action card. When they play an action card, it will be played into one of the positions at the top of the player board. The selected position must not contain an action card. These positions are related to the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening or night. After the game, before anything happens, the time-of-day corridor advances (i.e. rotates counter-clockwise) at least one cell; it must stop so that one of the three time slots that coincided with the time of day where the action card was played is at the highest point. The player decides which of the three to use. If the day corridor changes so that the highest space moves from night back to morning, then the day corridor also advances to the next day. This can result in a game over (see below). The movement of these two corridors is vital! When they alternate, the rooms in the manor can become isolated. This can result in the players (or the fae monster) being trapped in the room until the corridor turns again. That is why it is important to carefully choose which of the three places to use for this time of day. STANDARD ACTIONS There are several standard actions that can be obtained with the selected action card: these include: Move: With this action, the warden can move to any room in the estate, as long as he can trace corridors and rooms that are not blocked. A move cannot pass through a room with an opponent; if a supervisor enters such a room, the turn ends. If they have another turn, they can leave that room and continue to another. Portal: This action allows the warden to teleport from their current room to any other room in this way. An unblocked path is not required. Attack: This action allows the Warden to initiate combat. If there are scarabs in the room, that's what attacks; if a fae monster is in the room and there are no scarabs, the warden can attack the fae monster. The attacks are described in more detail below. Get Resources: These actions give the warden more resources. If a warden moves to or fights in a room where there are no opponents (either because they weren't there to begin with or because they were defeated), they can perform the actions provided by the room. Rooms have the ability to provide resources, receive warden tactic cards, recruit companions, create combat dice, and more. Actions granted by rooms (and special abilities, etc.) include: Forging Battle Dice: This action allows the warden to gain more dice to use in battle. There are three types of dice that can be forged: red dice that focus on offense, black dice that focus on defense, and blue dice that are a balance of both. The attacks are described in more detail below. Recruit Champions: With this action, the warden can recruit a companion. Companies have a resource cost (which increases with each additional partner). Sidekicks give the warden two things: an optional action they can use, and additional spaces they can play action cards on. OPTIONAL ACTIONS As mentioned above, players can also take optional actions in addition to their actions from action cards and rooms. Additional abilities can be used before or after an action card is played. There are three additional actions: Character Abilities: Each Warden has three special abilities that must be activated. Each power can be activated once per turn. Companion Abilities: Companions have special abilities that usually require them to be exhausted (reversed). An exhausted ability cannot be used again until the companion is upgraded. EXPERIENCE At the bottom of the player board are three experience tracks. Many things (mostly combat) will result in the player gaining experience. Each experience point gained moves any of the experience track markers along its track. When the token reaches certain thresholds, the warden will receive things like power tokens, resources, healing, or even swords (extra damage) and shields (damage protection) in all future battles. Winning this game is all about controlling your experience as well as controlling your opponents on the board. END OF THE MOVE When a player has completed all the actions they are going to take, their turn ends. This means: Monster Phase: A fairy monster takes an action. This action comes from their special deck of cards and will involve advancing the time-of-day corridor by multiple slots, moving, attacking, or gathering strength. As the game progresses, the power of these actions increases. Scarab Phase: Remember when I said that action cards should be placed in the time of day position above the player field? Remember I said that satellites add positions that can be used for additional action cards? Well, this is important because if all positions are filled, then a special scarab phase occurs at the end of a player's turn. In this phase, more scarabs appear, the ones that were already there are moved, all the action cards you have in play are reset, and your companions are updated. The appearance and movement of scarabs is the dangerous part here: if two or more scarabs occupy the same room (except for the Throne Room), that room becomes invulnerable. Damaged rooms are flipped over and cannot be used until the infestation is removed. To remove the disease, the scarabs must be dealt with, and then the warden in that room must pay the price specific to that room. Action Card Phase: When the fae monster completes its action and the scarab phase ends (assuming it did), then the player adjusts their hand to have a number of cards equal to their current health (1 to 6). If they have too many cards, they fold; if they don't have enough cards, they take. FIGHTS Combat is a big part of what will happen in the game. Overseers can initiate combat with an attack; a fairy monster can start combat during the monster phase. The fight boils down to the following: The Warden tallies up the total number of swords and shields they have as bonuses on cards in play, as well as bonuses on their experience tracks. They then add the result of rolling all the combat dice they have. After receiving these amounts, opponents roll combat dice. Compare the number of swords the warden has with the number of shields the opponent has. Each sword that exceeds the shields deals one damage to the opponent. Each scarab can take one point of damage; each fae monster is unique in how it deals damage. Compare the number of swords of the opponent with the number of shields of the overseer. Each sword that exceeds the shields deals one damage to the warden. Damage can be taken as health, combat dice, or power tokens. Any excessive damage is ignored. Blue combat dice have a special icon on one side. The effect of this icon is specific to each guardian and fairy monster. As..

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 This will be a short review, as befits a short game. But please don't take this to mean that Seaside is a bad game. The game is actually good, but it's short and sweet, and you can play it on a picnic table, on a beach towel, or even standing at a bar table. The story goes that when Brian Burgoyne designed Seaside, he specifically wanted a game that could be played on the beach. This meant a game that was portable, durable, and most importantly, waterproof. This is how Seaside was born, a game in a small canvas bag with thick double-sided painted wooden discs. GAME PROCESS The gameplay is extremely simple, in fact the only thing to set up is to get the instructions out of the bag - you don't even need to read them, if you already know how to play, you just put it down. During the game, each player reaches into the bag and pulls out one disc, determines which of the two sides they want to "play", and then does what the disc indicates (either places the disc in the middle of the playing area or in front of them - more on this at moment). Sometimes a player may be allowed to draw a second or third disc in a row, but eventually the bag goes to the next player who completes the same sequence. When the bag is empty, players will add up all the discs in front of them and determine who has the highest stack, and that player is the winner. Seaside is one of those games that you can literally learn on the fly. WHAT DISKS MEAN Of course, there's a bit more to the game, but it's always nice when the game mechanics are simple. But to collect disks, you need to know what each of them does. There are generally two types of disc faces: white bottom (which allows the player to hold the disc in front of them) and blue bottom (which requires the player to place the disc "sea", also known as the middle of the playing area). Discs with a blue bottom will also have a "play again" symbol, indicating that you can draw another tile from the bag, as you will throw it into the ocean. White bottom discs are available in one of 4 options: Sandpipers, Crab habitats, Beach and Waves. Waders allow you to collect all the isopod discs from the center of the table and stack them. But for the rest of the game, you can only collect Wader stacks of the same height. When you have two crab habitats, you can collect all crab discs from the center of the table, as well as one from each of your opponents who has a crab. Beach Discs allow you to collect shells from the center of the table, one for each beach in front of you. Finally, the player with the most Wave Discs at the end of the game can collect all remaining discs from the ocean, a powerful late-game option. EXPERIENCE FROM THE GAME Seaside is the perfect way to start or end a game night, or teach someone who doesn't really like board games, or play with younger family members, or if you just want something that won't tax your brain. There's something magical about reaching into a bag without knowing what you're going to get. Maybe there are 4 crabs in the middle of the table, you already have 1 crab habitat, and you're hoping to get a second one. Or maybe there are lots of isopods and you're just hoping for a wader. Or maybe it's almost game over and Shelley has more Wave discs than you and you're hoping to even the odds. Since you never know what you're going to get, you can help Miranda by pulling the exact tile she needs. Or maybe you get exactly what you want, but then the next player gets what they want too. So if you're looking for a casual game to pass the time, give Seaside a try. You can even pretend you're at the beach...

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 Hello everyone! Over the past few days, we've received a ton of great games. Therefore, we are very pleased to inform you about fresh arrivals and product updates in our store. Get acquainted with the novelties and what's new in Lelekan-chiku. There are so many of them that we can't even fit them all in here). Hurry up, the games are great and will satisfy all tastes, be the first in time) Exploding Kittens: Original Edition (Exploding Kittens: Original) Exploding Kittens 18+: Adult Edition (Exploding Kittens: NSFW) Wonderland's War Morning Sun (Rising Sun) Hedgehog Escape (Hedgehog Escape) Kotoball (A Game of Cat & Mouth) Mavka: Magic Willow (Mavka: Magic Willow) Mavka: Between Two Worlds Stranger Things: Upside Down Monopoly: Wonders Of Ukraine (Monopoly: Wonders Of Ukraine) Our Cities: Machi Koro 2 (Machi Koro 2) Timeline Twist Dead Of Winter: A Crossroads Game Concept Kids: Animals Anarchy Pancakes Sea of Tranquility Imperial Miners Paranormal Detectives (Paranormal Detectives) Bad Company NATIONAL PROMO We invite you to familiarize yourself with the special offers of the national promotion Marvel Zombies: Heroes' Resistance (Marvel Zombies: Heroes' Resistance) Amygdala (Amygdala) Bears Vs Babies Funny Farm Happy Bunny Exploding Kittens: Singular Kittens (Imploding Kittens) Cardline: Animals (Cardline: Animals) Shake The City (Shake The City) Mavka: Between Two Worlds Mavka: Magic Willow (Mavka: Magic Willow) Workshop (Woodcraft) Planet Planet B Geistesblitz 2.0 Brainiac's Ghost: What Time Is It? (Ghost Blitz: 5 To 12) Tokaido (Tokaido) Chronicles of Avel Castle (Chronicles Of Avel) Adventure Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones (Kids Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones) PROMOTIONAL OFFERS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..

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PRODUCT UPDATE Hello everyone! Over the past few days, we've received a ton of great games. Therefore, we are very pleased to inform you about fresh arrivals and product updates in our store. Get acquainted with the novelties and what's new in Lelekan-chiku. There are so many of them that we can't even fit them all in here). Hurry up, the games are great and will satisfy all tastes, be the first in time) The Grizzled Tanuki (Tanuki) Little Factory (Little Factory) Dale of Merchants 2: Era of Merchants (Dale of Merchants 2) Dale of Merchants 3: Great Continental Railway (Dale of Merchants 3) Dale of Merchants: Guild of Eminent Merchants (Dale of Merchants) Takenoko: Anniversary Edition (Takenoko Anniversary Edition) Golem (Golem) Nanty Narking: Great Expectations (Nanty Narking) Hickory Dickory (Hickory Dickory) Levada (Meadow) Voices In My Head (Voices In My Head) Juicy Fruits Wild nature: Serengeti (Wild: Serengeti) Paladins of the West Kingdom (Paladins of the West Kingdom) Distilled: Secrets of Drinks (Distilled) Scythe (Scythe) Five Castes (Five Tribes) Platformer (Platformer) NATIONAL PROMO We invite you to familiarize yourself with the special offers of the national promotion Marvel Zombies: Heroes' Resistance (Marvel Zombies: Heroes' Resistance) Amygdala (Amygdala) Bears Vs Babies Funny Farm Happy Bunny Exploding Kittens: Singular Kittens (Imploding Kittens) Cardline: Animals (Cardline: Animals) Shake The City (Shake The City) Mavka: Between Two Worlds Mavka: Magic Willow (Mavka: Magic Willow) Workshop (Woodcraft) Planet Planet B Geistesblitz 2.0 Brainiac's Ghost: What Time Is It? (Ghost Blitz: 5 To 12) Tokaido (Tokaido) Chronicles of Avel Castle (Chronicles Of Avel) Adventure Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones (Kids Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones) PROMOTIONAL OFFERS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs..

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 If there is one truth in the world of modern board games, it is this: the powerful constantly organize ridiculous competitions. Whether it's to see who can become the greatest mage to determine who can outdo everyone else or, in the case of the 5 Towers, to see which architect can build the tallest towers in the city, it's clear that the powers that be have way too much time on their hands (and seemingly endless funds) at their fingertips. GAME PROCESS Basically, 5 Towers is a betting game. During each round, five cards will be turned face up from the deck for all to see. The first player calls the number. This number indicates how many cards the player is willing to take from the board to add to the set they are about to create in their personal area. Each player has a chance to increase the bet. The tricky part is that if you win the bet, you MUST claim the number of cards you bid from the display and you MUST add them to your table. Any unclaimed cards are added to the public discard pile.  Sounds simple enough, right? Not so fast. There are five card suits (tower types) and sixteen cards per suit, numbered from zero to fifteen (4-5 player games have a few extra cards). Each card can only be placed on a tower of the same type, and each card placed must be less than the value of the last card placed on the tower. The only exceptions to this rule are the numbers eight, nine and zero. Any number can be placed on top of an eight, and a nine can be placed on top of any number. Zeros at the top of the tower. Once a tower is zeroed, that tower cannot be manipulated in any way until the end of the game. After the player who won the bet has taken his cards, he has the opportunity to perform one "demolish" action. A break involves removing the top card from any tower in your tableau (if the card is not zero) and placing it in your personal discard pile. This is useful for creating better cards and abilities. For example, if you're stuck with a seven sitting on top of a fifteen, breaking the seven to replace it with an eleven gives you more opportunities to add that tower in future rounds. At the beginning of the game, you will choose a starting player. At the end of the round, after the winner places their cards on their tableau, the person standing to the left of the starting player becomes the starting player for the next round. Once you've passed a deck, the public discard pile is shuffled to create a new deck. Once this new deck is passed, the game ends and the scores are tallied. COUNT Each of your towers scores points equal to the number of cards in that tower. If there is a zero on top of a tower, the score for that tower is doubled. Then score one point for each card in your highest tower. After you count this positive result, you will lose points for the cards in your stack. The first card is worth -1. The second card costs -2. The third card costs -3 and so on.  The player with the most points wins. IMPRESSION Over the past few years, I've grown to love little games that I can stick in my pocket and play during meals or lunch breaks. It's not that my love for big Euros is gone. It's that my time playing them has almost completely evaporated. Between work, marriage, and raising a five-year-old, my time is much more limited than it was in the past. My gaming life exists in those moments between things. 5 Towers is ideal for this new installation. It fits in my pocket. The rules are simple. The gameplay is challenging, but not so challenging that you can play forever. From opening the box to packing it, I only spent 20 minutes of my time. And what a great 20 minutes it is. From the very first draft, 5 Towers cards face several difficult decisions. The whole premise is that you build towers to score points. The bigger these towers are, the more points you earn. But what if you're just starting out and all the face-down cards are small numbers? Should you pass and let your opponents hit them? Or should you bet on at least one, knowing you can always demolish it later? I mean, after all, to score points, you have to at least build something. In the case of low numbers at the beginning of the game, it is quite easy to make the right decision. But what if there are a bunch of average numbers? what then And that doesn't even take into account what other players might need for their towers. If one of your opponents can draw three cards, can you also bet three? If you have to rip a card to do it, how many points are you willing to spend to deny your opponent those cards? One broken card at the end of the game isn't too bad. But three or four? Now you are talking about some serious cons. If you're sitting on top of a huge pile of points, you can probably handle losing six or more. But if you struggle to collect something, is it worth the risk?  I would be remiss if I didn't mention the gorgeous design on these cards. Each card is a treasure trove of subculture references. On one card you will face the Genie from Aladdin. On another, you'll come across Johnny Depp's take on Willy Wonka. And you'll find these cards that look like they're referring to something, but you don't know what. Table conversations are sure to arise as you and your colleagues try to unravel them. Trying to decipher all these Easter eggs is almost as much fun as playing the game itself. From the short time to the gameplay and design, 5 Towers hits all the right notes and I can't find anything negative to say about it. This game is a lot of fun and I'm glad to have it in my collection...

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 Hello everyone! Over the past few days, we've received a ton of great games. Therefore, we are very pleased to inform you about fresh arrivals and product updates in our store. Get acquainted with the novelties and what's new in Lelekan-chiku. There are so many of them that we can't even fit them all in here). Hurry up, the games are great and will satisfy all tastes, be the first in time). Little Tavern Earth Time is running out! Party (Time's Up) The White Castle (The White Castle) MLEM: Space Agency (MLEM: Space Agency) Iki (Iki) Barrage Istanbul: Full Edition (Istanbul: Big Box) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Endless Winter: Paleoamericans) Spots Throw Throw Burrito Destinies Destinies: Witchwood Call Of Cthulhu: Basic Set (Call Of Cthulhu Starter Set) Trekking Through History And others. Full list of receipts at the end of the article) GAME LIBRARY UPDATE Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past Merchant of Venus (Second Edition) PROMOTIONAL OFFERS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs Level 10. Tenth level..

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 Hello everyone, we are glad to inform you about new products and renewal of goods in our store. Meet the fresh arrival and what's new in our store :) Hurry up, the games are great and for all tastes, be the first to buy :) 5 Seconds Dream&Do Talks - Hot (Dream & Do Talks Hot) Viticulture: Essential Edition Carcassonne: Big Box (Carcassonne Big Box) Munchkin 2: Unnatural Ax (Munchkin 2: Unnatural Ax) Munchkin Dragons. Collection (Manchkin Dragons) The Mind (The Mind) Terraforming Mars (Terraforming Mars) Viticulture: Tuscany Essential Edition Chpok (Quick and Dirty) Set (blue) Geometry of Imagination (Imagine) Everdell (Everdell) Spots Don't Go In There Pyramido There is no Hero's move! (Keep the Heroes Out!) CARCASSON GAME TOURNAMENT We invite everyone who wants to take part in the qualifying tournament from Carcassonne at the Lelekan club. The winners of the qualifying round will be invited to the final in Kyiv, the finalist of which will represent Ukraine in the world tournament at the international exhibition of board games Essen Spiel 2024! VENUE  Lelekan Board Games Club-Shop  St. Volodymyr Veliky 27,  Date of holding 11.08.2024  Hours of operation 13:00 - 20:00 PROMOTIONAL OFFERS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs Level 10. Tenth level..

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 Hello everyone, we are glad to inform you about new products and renewal of goods in our store. Meet the fresh arrival and what's new in our store :) Hurry up, the games are great and for all tastes, be the first to buy :) Bobot (Bobot) Dirty Money Boop Whirling Whitchcraft Villa Paletti (Villa Paletti) Vintage Vaalbara Long Shot: The Dice Game Raiders of Scythia Level 10 Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar Four Temperaments: Deluxe Edition (Four Humours) Land vs Sea Secrets of Karak Castle Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion) The Thing: The Board Game Fish & Katz Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn (Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn) Nemesis (Nemesis) Pioneer Rails Eldritch Horror Planet B CARCASSON GAME TOURNAMENT We invite everyone who wants to take part in the qualifying tournament from Carcassonne at the Lelekan club. The winners of the qualifying round will be invited to the final in Kyiv, the finalist of which will represent Ukraine in the world tournament at the international exhibition of board games Essen Spiel 2024! VENUE  Lelekan Board Games Club-Shop  St. Volodymyr Veliky 27,  Date of holding 11.08.2024  Hours of operation 13:00 - 20:00 GAME LIBRARY UPDATE  Asara  Tikal PROMOTIONAL OFFERS We suggest you familiarize yourself with the promotional items that will pleasantly surprise your wallet) Intention Intention: Age of Thirst (Intention) Wings (Wingspan) (Ukrainian) Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (Ukrainian) Level 10 (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds (Ukrainian) 5 Seconds Junior (5 Seconds Junior) (Ukrainian) Marsolovs Level 10. Tenth level Arcade machine Yokai Velonimo Hungry monkey B Movies. (NOT) a bad movie Avalon Classic version Coatl The wild nature. Serengeti Dune. Secrets of Houses Hickory Dickory War of the Ring. Card game War of the Ring. Card game - Against the Shadow..

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 Almost two years ago, I praised 7 Wonders: Architects as a worthy game in the 7 Wonders line, alongside its more mature counterparts, 7 Wonders and 7 Wonders: Duel. I talked about speed and charm like it was supposed to be a quintessential family game. I still believe in all of this. In fact, 7 Wonders: Architects remains a constant game in our family and is one of the most popular games overall. Younger kids still adore her and teenagers still join us for the experience. After weeks of post-release patience, we grabbed a copy of the first expansion, 7 Wonders: Architects – Medals, and brought it to the table on vacation. It was a great decision. MY SURPRISES Medals bring two new wonders - the Roman Colosseum and the ancient city of Ur. The Colosseum twice allows you to steal one card from another player—as a tribute—only to then provide a free card from the center as a benevolent compensation. Ur brings the beloved Kitty along with a free card. These mid-game triggers fit the game perfectly without feeling contrived. More importantly, the title medals are a bunch of stick-on plastic targets for players to chase. One four-point medal sits next to each deck of cards, prompting players to the left and right of it to join in the chase: first player gets three blue cards, first player gets seven cards, first player gets two Miracles plus Kitty sections. . These mini races are fantastic. The "advanced" module rightly recommends adding two medals to the center of the table as common bait. Throw in a few more progress tokens, including a third copy of the cherished 4PO/12PO token to bring the realm of science to life, and this slim box becomes a smooth performance of "more of what I love." If I were to make a complaint about this additional offering, it would be that there is currently no solution to combine the bits into one box without giving up the game's greatest convenience: those player storage trays. If you are not against a box lift, you can combine the new with the old; but Medals have low prestige if you can't stand that thought. If Medals changes the base game, then it opens the door to victory that doesn't require winning a race to complete a Miracle. The wonder can't be ignored, but there are sixteen potential points in the medals, as well as some progress tokens that enhance the scoreboard in other interesting ways. All in all, the new side paths are fruitful and also encourage players to play all kinds of games. For example, if you're a player who usually ignores the war game, you'll want to add some variety to the war medal to your right and the collect-all-five-type medal to your left. Better yet, a progress token that lets you hold on to your horned shield cards after a conflict can turn a fighter into a lover. Extensions are best when they enhance and encourage without rewriting the script. All in all, Medals gently and convincingly sticks its grubby paws into every crevice of 7 Wonders: Architects. The result is a more complex experience—not complex like Vinhos, but complex like a good cup of coffee. The flavor profile is a bit richer, offering an extra note to the player who wants to talk it up a bit more. If you love 7 Wonders: Architects, you won't regret adding medals to the table right away...

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