A precious stone in the collection. Overview of the game Splendor


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 I originally had this game as an app on my phone. The app is just great, but the board game is so much more fun. The actual parts are such good quality and a pleasure to use, the images are great and the packaging is quite large. I think this is the most played game in our house.

 The main objective is to collect enough gems to fight your way to 15 victory points. This game is very much about math.

 Game time: 20-30 minutes


 This game can vary from time to time as you never know what cards and nobles you will get. We've had games that lasted less than 20 minutes, but on average I'd say 25 minutes. The more times you play, the shorter the game will be. We play it while we prepare dinner)

 Strategy vs. Luck: 30% strategy, 70% luck

 There is a lot of luck involved in this game. Both with the release of gem cards and noble tokens that give you bonus points. Once you've settled on a strategy, there's little opportunity to go back and change it, especially in a 2-player game. You'll be fighting for the same rare gems and holding your breath every time you flip a card.

 Replayability: 8/10

 The randomness of the cards and the timing of the game make it one of the most frequently played games in our house. You don't have to invest a lot in each game, so you don't get upset when you lose - you just want to do it again!

 Mastery Factor: Low

 This game isn't hard to master, but it's not as easy as some of the others we have. It depends on how much math you like... The game is easy to set up and easy to clean up, and since you don't have to hide anything from your opponent the strategy is quite flexible. It does take up a bit of desk space though, so the game isn't very portable.

 More than 2 players? So!

 We've played this game with 3 and 4 players with great success, but the tension is greater in a 2 player game because you know your opponent will get a chance to buy every new card exposed.

Conclusion: 9/10

 I love this game. It is a major treasure in our collection and I will never stop playing it. This is excellent value for money.


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