We create Stained Glass for the Sagrada Familia. Overview of game Sagrada


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 Who does not know Sagrada Familia? As a former art and design student, I always wanted to visit this amazing work of art and admire it from a different vantage point than just a computer monitor. With Sagrada, I feel like I managed to get at least a little closer to that. Sagrada is a small puzzle game where you as an artist compete with other artists to create the best stained glass window for the Sagrada Familia. I already liked the theme of the game and couldn't wait to play it.


 Preparing the Sagrada for the party is quite easy. Randomly deal each player a personal dale face card along with two stained glass template cards and one player square. Each player chooses one side of the stained glass card and places it inside the player space. Then give each player the same number of favor tokens as the difficulty number on the stained glass pattern card. Then place the circular track with the players' score markers in the center of the table. Also place three random tool cards and public objective cards face up on the table. Finally, place all the cubes in the bag. Now you are ready to create your stained glass window.

 The game lasts ten rounds. At the beginning of each round, a player takes two dice for each player and one additional dice from the bag and rolls them. For two players, it will be, for example, five cubes. Then, moving clockwise, each player can choose three options. You can take one die from the table and place it on your stained glass window, you can pay to use a tool card. The tool cards can help you finish the stained glass window by, for example, changing the blocks. Note that if the card already has a service token, you must pay two tokens. Finally, you can do nothing. Each action is absolutely optional. If you don't see a die or card you can or want to use, simply pass the turn and the next player can take their turn. The first move will go clockwise starting with the player who took the dice, the second move of the round will go counter-clockwise.

 After each player has made two moves (or missed), place the last die and possibly any remaining dice on the circular track. The next player can take dice from the bag to repeat the process.

 When placing the cubes on the stained glass window, you need to follow some placement rules.

 The first cube in the game must be placed in one of the corners or edges of your stained glass window. Every second cube must also be next to the previously placed cube. If you have a color or a specific number in your box, you can only place that number or color on that spot on the player's field. Finally, a die can never be placed orthogonally next to a die of the same color or value. This means that you cannot place a red cube next to another red cube, you can only place it diagonally. They cannot touch each other's sides.

 If the round is over, the game ends and the final scoring begins. To calculate your points, use the back of the track where you placed the unused dice and tally up the points from the remaining public objectives, private objectives and services. A private objective will give you the color you must place in your stained glass to get points, while public objectives will often ask for pairs or specific values, such as pairs of values three and four. For each empty space in the window, you lose one victory point. The player with the most victory points is the best artist and wins the game.


 Sagrada is a game that takes surprisingly more thought than I first thought. The rules of restricting the placement of cubes make this much more difficult and you get a lot of fun with how your stained glass window is created. You also won't know who wins until the end, due to personal and shared goals.

 The game looks great on the table, and if you can, play it only by candlelight. Since the cubes are transparent, the light can really play with the colors, giving you a little extra coziness, or so we think.

 The quality of the components is quite good and there is plenty of opportunity to play multiple games in a row as all the stained glass challenges are two-sided. They also vary in difficulty, so if you want more challenges, you can choose a more difficult window to create.


 Sagrada is an easy logical thinking puzzle game where you have to build your own stained glass window. With each cube you select, your window becomes a little more colorful, and with 90 cubes and plenty of window patterns to choose from, this game will be different every time. The rules are simple but challenging and you can choose your own difficulty level. We think this game is a lot of fun with two or more players.


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