
All Lelekan Board Games News

Ooh, soon Christmas, New Year, you need to buy gifts - we recommend that you choose board games. And we have just a lot of new products. These are new and time-tested hits of board games (and more). Board games are the perfect gifts for everyone, so hurry up to buy! ..

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Winter is already underway. Probably going somewhere. We still have not so cold, but the frost is getting closer, and holidays are so common on the nose. It is necessary to buy gifts in the form of board games. See how many new, new and occasionally unmatched hits of board (and more) board games we have. We are sure that everyone will be able to find something for themselves, check it out for yourself! ..

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Winter has come, many games have been brought to us. Yes, there are a lot of novelties in our board games store - new and time-tested hits of board games (and not only). Before the cold winter evenings, we encourage you to buy some good bedding to spend time with your loved ones. ..

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This is the last autumn month that has come to a close ... We highly recommend you to buy a couple of good board games - in the winter you will have little to go, and you need to organize some interesting leisure. Take a look at the latest in our online store - new and time-tested hits of board games (and more). This purchase will help you to have more than one quality winter cold evening. ..

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The last days of November are a time when the whole world enjoys various discounts on goods. We can also advise you to buy good and comfortable board games for the winter so that you can spend even more time with your loved ones. Take a look at the latest in our online store - new and time-tested hits of board games (and more). These purchases will keep you warm for more than one winter evening in a cozy circle. ..

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It's been half a month since November ... We sincerely hope that you've been able to spend enough time with your loved ones. If you have not done so yet, then we have new items for you in our online store - new and time-tested hits of board (and not only) board games. In the fall, only board games and warm tea can help keep you warm. ..

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November goes on, and we want to spend more and more time with our loved ones for interesting activities. For this we can offer you new products in our store. Take a look at what we've got this week - new and time-tested hits from board (and more) board games. On cold days, you need to stock up on games on a comfortable evening. ..

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Hey, Ukrainian Love Howard Lovecraft fans, we have some great news for you. As of today, you can pre-order a board game on our site & nbsp; Arkham Horror. Card game in Ukrainian & nbsp; by & nbsp; Gambler . ..

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Hello November! You bring us more colds, and more novelties in our store. We encourage you to take a look at what has appeared this week - new and time-tested hits from board (and not only) board games. On such cold November days, you have to stock up for games on a comfortable evening. ..

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October is coming to an end, the warm days are even less. It is worth looking at what has appeared in our store this week - new and time-tested hits of board (and not only) board games to make autumn nights even more cozy! This is the time to play a good game with a cup of tea or coffee! ..

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