What is the popularity of Ark Nova?


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 We would like to share a little of our impressions about the Euro card game Ark Nova , dedicated to the construction of a zoo. Contrary to the theme, which is more suitable for a non-serious family, the game turned out to be large and complex. And very complex. After all, it is important not only to house animals in an enclosure, but also to participate in environmental programs, breeding and releasing animals into the wild. Hence, actually, the name of the game is "New Ark".

 The game rocketed to the top of the BGG rankings, easily entering the top 10 best decks. And the number of awards won by her is not worth enumerating, it is easier to say that she won all the awards in which she participated. The game has been translated into dozens of languages and sold in large quantities.

 Surprisingly, such a rating game does not produce any "wow effect". There are no original game mechanics like spinning wheels in " Tzolkin " or pyramids of cards in " 7 Wonders: Duel ". There is no bright, colorful design like in the fairy-tale "Everdell" with its tree (be it okay) or solidly designed " Brass " with poker chips as coins. There is neither the brevity of "Res Arcana " nor the scope of "The Terraforming Mars " with its many additions. In a word, Ark Nova wins not by some unique chip, but by the overall high level of the game.

 The basic mechanics are simple: in his turn, the player performs one of five actions represented by 5 cards. Actions are simple: take cards, build enclosures on the tablet, play cards of animals, sponsors and projects. Each action card occupies a slot numbered from "1" to "5". The higher the number, the stronger the effect of drawing the card. After the draw, the card is placed in cell "1", while the others move. So it is possible to play the same action twice in a row, but it is not profitable. Also, actions can be improved by turning the card over, but it is impossible to improve all 5 actions in the game. You will have to choose.

 There are more than 250 cards in the game, each unique, but there are only three types of cards: animals, sponsors and projects. In order to play an animal card, you need to have a free enclosure of the appropriate size and money. However, many cards have additional requirements: for example, a hippopotamus will only need an enclosure near water, a bison needs a contract with a zoo from Europe, and a lion needs 3 other predators in the zoo. Animals increase the popularity of the zoo (this is also income and SP) and also give some kind of instant effect. Sponsor cards are played for free and give either a permanent property, or at the end of the game if a condition is met, or income when drawn. And sometimes all three such effects at once. There are the fewest project cards in the game, in fact they are targets for obtaining software. When a player draws, a project card is placed on the table, and opponents can also execute it. However, in addition to the actual condition of the card, it is necessary to have a free worker and perform the action from the cell with maximum force.

 Interaction between players here is weak. Of course, no one expected the opportunity to curse continuously, as in "Munchkin". But it will not work here even to seriously interfere, to close the centers of action, as in other Euros. Therefore, it is better to play it together. A large number of players will not affect the gameplay, but the wait for the turn will be longer. For two experienced players who are not prone to narrow-mindedness, the game will take about 2 hours.


 Although the photos on the cards were collected on the Internet, they look beautiful and harmonious. At least much better than Mars Conquest or Underwater Cities. But various tokens, money, enclosures and other components were pumped. In general, the design is not bad, but it is difficult to call it a standard of beauty.


 Themes in the game feel good. For example, after releasing an animal into the wild, the player vacates the corresponding enclosure. But that doesn't sit well with zoo visitors, and attendance drops to the level of a departed animal.

 The game is often compared to Terraforming Mars. Indeed, there is something in common: a large number of cards, a long game time, labels on the cards. However, "Mars" is significantly simpler. It's like: a good card has arrived, there is money and conditions for drawing it - you can play without thinking. In Ark Nova, you have to consider your strategy several moves ahead, remember all the numerous factors.


 Well, of course, the hype is largely related to the topic of animals. Animal games are loved by everyone, and the ratings of such games are often inflated. In addition, the game appeals in every possible way to environmental issues, care for nature, and this is a very popular topic.

 There is also a second point. Usually, card engine games are simple and winning depends a lot on luck with the arrival of the cards. In Ark Nova, you can see the strategicness unusual for a card game, the need for the player to plan his actions several moves ahead, taking into account the open cards on the market. In our opinion, this is one of the most difficult Euros we have played.

 Overall, the game certainly isn't some kind of milestone in the gaming industry, but it's an excellent big euro card engine. I do not recommend the game to beginners in dungeons and area control lovers, it is more suitable for lovers of complex Euros like Lacerda fans. Our rating: 8/10.


 Ark Nova on BGG


 Ark Nova on the Game Theory portal




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