

There are a few days left until New Year's Eve, and for the last time in 2019, we're pleased to see you with new and time-honored hits of board (and more) board games. Look, can fate tell you a gift to your loved ones? ..

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Winter holidays are a great time to be with your family, friends and loved ones as much as possible. That's why this week we suggest you purchase a -25% off & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; one of the best family games (ranked 30th in the top family games) called & nbsp; Kingdomino . This game will take all the participants into imaginary kingdoms of their own accord. build yourself. The game is very similar in principle to Dominoes , because the taiqs will need to be attached to each other by similar particles. Whoever has the most organic kingdom will win! ..

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Ooh, soon Christmas, New Year, you need to buy gifts - we recommend that you choose board games. And we have just a lot of new products. These are new and time-tested hits of board games (and more). Board games are the perfect gifts for everyone, so hurry up to buy! ..

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You know what? This week we have promotional discounts for 3 megawatts! This is Terb Mystica's (Eng) Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island economic strategy & nbsp; Terra Mystica (Eng) and another cool co-op to survive the traitor & nbsp; Dead Season: The Long Night . Each of them is in the top 200, and even in the top 100 best games on our planet, so it is a real fortune that each week you can buy them at a discount of -15% from our site! Don't miss out on this unique opportunity! ..

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Winter is already underway. Probably going somewhere. We still have not so cold, but the frost is getting closer, and holidays are so common on the nose. It is necessary to buy gifts in the form of board games. See how many new, new and occasionally unmatched hits of board (and more) board games we have. We are sure that everyone will be able to find something for themselves, check it out for yourself! ..

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Many people think that the main task of board games is to be fun. There are a number of great board games for parties, among which we would like to single out a great series of Spyfall Findings . The basic version of this series is ranked 35th in the top board games for parties on our planet. This week, you can purchase any game in the Spyfall Finder -15% off! This game will remind you of the Mafia. Among all the players (and there can be many), most will know the location of their location. But one person will be the spy who needs to recognize the location - other players will need to calculate the spy. All this will be done with questions - in general, it will not be boring! ..

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Winter has come, many games have been brought to us. Yes, there are a lot of novelties in our board games store - new and time-tested hits of board games (and not only). Before the cold winter evenings, we encourage you to buy some good bedding to spend time with your loved ones. ..

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It's hard to find someone who has never played the good old Jeng in his life. Pull out the scraps and place them on top so that the tower does not fall - what's difficult here? But such a fun game can easily get tired, you need to come up with something new. This is how an exciting game called Mistakos was created, in which you need to be even more accurate and precise. Only this week you can purchase this board game at a discount of -15%! This game partly uses the principle of Jeng - You will need to put chairs on top of each other. First one chair, then another one - and until the tower from the chairs collapses. Of course, the opponents will try to make it as difficult as possible for you to make the move - this is the whole game! Try your hands. ..

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This is the last autumn month that has come to a close ... We highly recommend you to buy a couple of good board games - in the winter you will have little to go, and you need to organize some interesting leisure. Take a look at the latest in our online store - new and time-tested hits of board games (and more). This purchase will help you to have more than one quality winter cold evening. ..

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Almost every respectable store celebrates the legendary Black Friday at the end of November. It's a day or even a week when you can buy any good at a good discount. Such purchases can be very useful before the winter holidays! We offer you to purchase any goods with a discount of -5% during this week. Whether it's a high-quality puzzle, a cool board game or an accessory, you can buy it at a discount of -5% to please yourself or your loved ones for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Don't miss this opportunity, as it only happens once a year! ..

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