Top 10 Family Board Games


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Board games are one of the best ways to spend time with family. A pretty obvious statement for a board game site, but there are actually several reasons for this (not just the fact that it's fun). For example, this is an opportunity to keep in touch and have a great time with people important to you. What else is needed for happiness? TOP 10 best family board games.

10 - Bank card monopoly

Board games have been evolving for so many years, but good old Monopoly is still around. Unfortunately, the original game feels long out of date and is more of an annoyance than a pleasure. But there are such versions as Bank Card Monopoly . It simplifies the gameplay, creating one of the most user-friendly games. Instead of bulky bills, each player receives money in his bank account. Four monopolists can manage their savings on improvised cards that combine with the bank - and this simplifies all the math in the game by many times. Earning money is even faster and easier!

9 - Explosive kittens

Explosive success on Kickstarter helped the game raise a huge amount of money in just one month in 2015. Explosive kittens rapidly have taken over the world for cat lovers. With a set of regular cards and a few "explosive" cards, every player can go crazy with unexpected turns of fate. And the limited number of life-saving "Damage" together with the cards "Stop", "Attack", "Look into the future" bring a lot of adrenaline to the game process. Creativity in phrases and illustrations is something cosmic. This is a fun game not to be missed.

8 - Hanabi

Hanabi is a phenomenal game that is comfortable to play with the family and one of the best co-op games out there. Easy rules: everyone is dealt 4 or 5 cards (depending on the number of players). Each player sees the cards of his colleagues, but not his own. There are 5 colors: green, red, blue, yellow and white, which are numbered from 1 to 5. The point of the game is to arrange the cards in the correct order by color while giving hints to your colleagues about their cards. Does it seem idle? You have no idea how interesting the communication between the players and their teamwork make this game.

7 - Pandemic

It's a classic and probably the best selling co-op game of all time. Incredibly popular game where each member of the party works in one team to cure the countries of our planet from "diseases". Players have separate roles with unique properties that help eradicate viruses and epidemics in lands where terror thrives. This is an interesting logistics game where planning the next step can be critical to the health of the Earth. Remember - an epidemic can happen at any moment, which will accelerate the spread of the infection. It is the correct assessment of danger that is the key to winning or losing in this game.

6 - Ticket to Ride: USA

If you want to combine a board game with a steampunk aesthetic, there is little better than Ticket to Ride . You and other train enthusiasts must make your way from one end of North America to the other using the railroad tracks on the map. Make the shortest route and stock up on a drop of luck to win. Each game will last from 30 minutes to one hour (depending on how intelligently your opponents play).

5 - Clue

Usually, a mysterious murder does not bring any good news. But Clue is a completely different matter. You are all suspected of murder. Find out who killed Mr. Boddy by exploring the creepy mansion in search of clues, until you become a victim of the maniac yourself... You can't trust anyone, you only have to rely on yourself. And you know what's best about this game - you'll spend less money on it than if you ordered a pizza home.

4 - Jenga

Who knew building could be so stressful... Jenga is truly one of the most stressful yet fun board games ever created. If you still don't know what the game is - you and other participants build a tower on top of an already built tower. For this, you need to use long bars from the lower tiers. And with each new floor it gets harder and harder! Sometimes you can even forget about the rivalry in trying to build the highest possible tower before it crumbles into small blocks.

3 - Code names

Another great family game. Here you will need logic, creativity and intuition. 2 teams, each with two to four players. 25 cards with a wide range of images lie face up on the table. Each team must guess their set of 5 or 6 code names to win. And only one player from the team will always know the correct answers, giving clues to his colleagues. Oh these spy games!

2 - Land of dreams

This game is intriguing right out of the box - it's a good investment for the money it costs. Players constantly cover their eyes with masks, as if they are really sleeping (and to hide the cards in front of them). The group constantly gives some hints about the maps, the fairies will help you, and Babai will try to throw you off the track. Earn more points for guessed cards and remember guesses - this is your way to victory.

1 - Dixit

Dixit is absolutely a family game. Carefree and easy, where logic, creativity, imagination and intuition are important. Each of the 3-6 players has 6 cards with incredible and multifaceted pictures. One of the players chooses a card and says his association to it - not too easy, but also difficult to make it interesting. When all other players discard one card each. it all gets mixed up - then the most exciting part begins. All the cards are turned over, and now you have to guess what exactly the host of the round put down. To understand the thoughts of another person, to know his inner world and fantasies - this is what this wonderful game allows.


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