Coatl Board Game Review


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 Coatl is a colorful abstract puzzle game in which you will make the most beautiful "feathered" snakes. Having created them, you will try to win the title of high priest.

 You set up the game by placing a market square in the center of the field. You place parts of the body, head and tail in the designated places. Place a stock of 6 prediction cards next to the prediction deck. Each player receives a personal playing field, a temple card, and a prediction card. You also place 2 temple cards face up in the center of the table. The temple map gives you bonus points if you finish a Coatl that meets certain conditions, such as being 6 long and having no red parts. A prediction card can be placed next to a Coatl you are making or have just completed. They also give you points at the end of the game.

 During your turn you can choose one of 3 actions.

 Take Coatl Parts: During this action, you can choose 1 space and take Coatl Parts from it. You can choose 2 body parts, 1 head or 1 tail. You must pay special attention to what color you take to match the conditions of your prediction and temple cards. The Coatl tokens you have taken are placed on your personal space where you can place up to 8 pieces.

 Take the Prediction Cards: The prediction cards have a certain condition that Coatl must fulfill in order to get points for it. You can draw as many cards as you want from your stock, but you can only have 5 cards in your hand. An example of a prediction card is that you must have the colors in a certain order.

 Build a Coatl: You can take as many actions as you want while building a Coatl. You can create a new Coatl, expand an existing Coatl, and/or place prediction cards next to the Coatl. Once the Coatl has a head, tail, and several body parts, it is finished and you cannot continue to extend it.

 The game ends when one player completes 3 Coatleys. You then get points for completing temple and divination maps. So make sure you fulfill the terms of these cards to the best of your ability. If you have the most points at the end of the game, you are the winner and can claim the title of High Priest!


 If you like abstract puzzle games, we highly recommend Coatl! A lot of people make the comparison to Azul, but we don't think you can properly compare the 2. Coatl and Azul are really two different games, but if you like Azul, you'll also like Coatl. At Coatl, you have several ways to win. Basically, you're trying to satisfy all the Prophecy and Temple cards as best you can and create the perfect Coats. You can also spawn 3 Coatleys as quickly as possible, which can leave your opponent with less ready Coatleys. As a result, the game can end very quickly or take a very long time. We really like this variety, although it can also be annoying when you do everything perfectly and your opponent rushes in and ends the game. In any case, these different options allow you to try new tactics.

 Coatl plays beautifully and the gameplay feels very simplistic. You will quickly learn the rules, and all actions speak for themselves. You have a few actions you can take during your turn, but not so many that you have to think for 5 minutes. Thus, the game of Coatl is quite fast and you won't have to wait long for your opponents. Since the game doesn't take too much time and the steps are simple, you can also introduce this game to new board game players.

 In addition to the gameplay, this game looks very beautiful. All components are of very high quality, and the game is very colorful. This is a real party on the table! We consider it an advantage that the scoring scale is on the other side of the total field, this saves a lot of space on the table. We also like the fact that the points are tallied at the end, so you can play with peace of mind without keeping track of the score. In games like Azul, scoring points after each action can sometimes get in the way of the fun. On the other hand, we can imagine that instant scoring would add a kind of racing element that would make the game a little more exciting. For example, you can check your opponent's score to see how many points you need to beat him or her.

 Overall, we are very happy with Coatl . We're fans of abstract puzzle games and always welcome variety in our collection. However, experienced players will probably cool off a little faster to games like Coatl and Azul. The games tend to offer less replayability and less depth than other more complex board games. So we want to have a few of these types of games in our collection so we can rotate. This ensures that the game remains fun in the long run! Coatl is the custodian of our collection. As far as we are concerned, Coatl is a great new game in the abstract puzzle collection!


 You can play Coatl with multiple people, but you're still doing everything by yourself. Everyone is working on their own puzzle. If you have played this game more often and have experience, you might be able to interfere with another player and take the pieces he or she needs, but this is very rare. We can imagine that with 4 players it can take quite a while before it's your turn again, so we think it's better to play with fewer players.


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