Pandemic Ukrainian edition


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number of players: 2-4 players
time: 45 minutes
age: 8+
difficulty: 2.41 / 5

Pandemic is a cooperative board game. In a pandemic around the world, several virulent diseases broke out simultaneously! Players are disease control specialists who treat hotspots by exploring treatments for each of the four afflictions before they get out of control.

The game board shows several major settlements on Earth. On each turn, the player can use up to four actions to travel between cities, treat infected populations, detect drugs or build a research station. The deck of cards gives players these abilities, but the epidemic involved in this deck! cards that accelerate and intensify the activity of diseases. The second, separate deck of cards controls the "normal" spread of infections.

Taking a unique role in the team, players must plan their strategy, combining with the strengths of their professionals to defeat the disease. For example, the Operations Expert may build research stations that are needed to treat disease drugs and that provide greater mobility between cities; a scientist only needs four cards of a certain disease to cure it instead of the usual five, but the disease spreads quickly and time is running out. If one or more illnesses spread after recovery or too much time passes, all players lose. If they cure four diseases, they will all win!

Pandemic 2013 includes two new characters - an emergency planner and a quarantine specialist - not available in previous versions of the game.

Pandemic is the first game in the Pandemic series.

Let's show the Pandemics who's who

Here is an exclusive Ukrainian version. In this edition, the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kyiv - appeared on the map. Now the fate of our native country and the whole world depends on each of us.

Before the game

We lay out the playing field, which is a map of the world with cities. According to the rules of the game, in some cities we break down disease cubes. In specially designated places in the field, we put a marker of outbreaks of viruses, a marker of the spread of disease, a deck of disease cards, as well as vital test tubes with drugs.

Each player receives a memo and a random role in the game: doctor, dispatcher, scientist, quarantine specialist, researcher, engineer and emergency expert. Each role has its own, unique features. All members of the scientific and rescue expedition are sent to the start: to the first research station in Atlanta (USA).

The beginning of the game

Each move of the bark is divided into three phases:

  • Perform from one to four actions (move the player's chip to another city, build a research station, cure the disease, invent a drug, share experiences with another player). You can perform different actions, you can do the same, but not more than four.
  • Take 2 players' cards from the deck . Properly assembled combination of cards to help you in the invention medicines, building research stations in various cities, etc. Collect the card players to post, play their most profitable. But remember that the hand can be up to 7 cards.
  • Detect the disease ( take some cards from the deck of diseases ) . Take as many cards from the deck as indicated by a marker of disease spread and spread disease to one cube at the city marked on maps.
After these three phases, the turn is passed to the next player. Remember that Pandemic is a cooperative game, which means that you can and should discuss your moves with other players, because your only goal is to defeat viruses. Feel free to say your plans out loud.

Epidemic and disease outbreaks

Agree, not the nicest words. In the game, they also do not promise anything good. If in the phase of recruiting from the deck of player cards, one of the participants drops the Epidemic card, then he must move the marker of the spread of the disease per unit forward, from the deck to take a card with the name of the city in which to put 3 disease cubes.

Outbreak of the epidemic worse. If the game you have to put the cube of the disease in the city, which already has three dice, there is outbreak. To begin, move the marker forward a flash unit, and then place one cube diseases in cities adjacent to those in which there was a flash. As you know, the outbreak could lead to a string of outbreaks in other cities.

The purpose of the game

The research team will win if invent drugs for 4 diseases . The team loses if outbreaks marker reaches its mark on the last or end blocks when one of the diseases or ending a deck of cards.

Who is this game for?

Pandemic - a game that has long won the hearts of fans around the world . A good, balanced game that fans will enjoy cooperative games such as Robinson Crusoe , Prohibition Island or Forbidden The sky . The range also includes localization games in Russian .


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